Entries by Holly Franklin

2018 League of List Builders Scholarship Entry #lolb 2018

www.leagueoflistbuilders.com LEAGUE OF LIST BUILDERS SCHOLARSHIP ENTRY 2018 with Jonathan Tilley #lolb2018 I’ve heard ah-maz-ing stuff about this class, so I’m crossing my #hollypops that @jonathantilleydotcom likes my scholarship entry! His glistening brows alone should make you sign up for the class!   Sign up HERE! Good luck to everyone who is putting themselves out there!!! xoxoxoxo P.S. His glasses […]

Dragons Love Tacos!

I had a blast narrating Dragons Love Tacos for Learning Ally! Have you read it? If not, you should totally buy it for your kid’s Christmas! Its brilliantly written by Adam Rubin, and fantastically illustrated by Daniel Salmieri! Interested in narrating for Learning Ally? Contact Michael Kinsey or Susan Smith!

My Compassion trip to Kenya!

What is Compassion? Compassion is a child-advocacy organization that matches those who are suffering from poverty with compassionate people who can help. The goal is for each child to become a responsible adult. What is Child Sponsorship? Child sponsorship connects one child with one sponsor, strategically chipping away at child poverty. Did you know more than a billion children […]

Voice Arts Awards – WONDER

And the Award Goes to… Imagine my surprise when Learning Ally, an amazing non-profit, nominated my recent audio book, WONDER, for a prestigious Voice Arts Award! I’m so thankful to Michael Kinsey for his efforts in coordinating this very worthwhile project! Results will be announced in November!           I’m also super excited that WONDER, my […]

SAG Animated Feature Film

A Feature Film!? Guess who booked her very first SAG animated feature film?! THIS GIRL! And not just one role, but two! Can’t wait to tell you all about it soon! And can I just mention how incredibly grateful I am for my awesome Dallas Agent and Agency? Julie Holman from Kim Dawson Agency, you […]

Owlegories – Volume 7

As you no doubt know by now, I have the pleasure of voicing the Violet, the sparkly, purple owl! Aaaannnnddd…drum roll please…..she plays a superhero in the latest volume! Super excited to announce Owlegories Vol. 6 (The Wind, The Moon, The Rainbow) and two new storybooks are available Sep. 7th! Visit owlegories.com and buy yours today! In case […]

FUNimation – One Piece

How cool is that I get to voice not one, not two, but FIVE little mermaids for FUNimation’s One Piece?! Each lil gal comes with a unique personality, and a cowgirl hat to boot! The Medaka Mermaid Quintuplets are five teeny lil mermaids whose names are Ichika, Nika, Sanka, Yonka, and Yonka Two. Try repeating those five names 3 times without stopping! I’ve had the privilege […]